FamilySearch - Worldwide Records Indexing - Beginners - Entering Text Data


February 28th, 2013

US (Community Project) New York - Passenger List - 1944 - Pg. 2

When you download a batch and start processing it for Indexing, the first section is called Header Data. In this section you fill out three questions (sometimes more or less depending):

  • Image Type: is the image readable or not?
  • Ship's Name: what was the ships name?
  • Arrival Year: what year did the ship arrive at it's destination?

For "Image Type," you have five options to chose from:
  • Normal: READABLE
  • Blank Image: Shows a white or blank image
  • Duplicate Image: There is DUPLICATE INFORMATION shown in the image
  • No Extractable Data Image: The image is has NO DATA to retrieve information from
  • Unreadable Image: The image is to blurry of a scan to read the image
For "Ship's Name,"
  • Enter the ship's name that is located at the top left corner of most indexing images
  • If there is no name for the ship, hold [CTRL] [B], and the answer will show up as blank
  • If the vessel is a plane or etc., hold [CTRL] [B], and the answer will show up as blank
 For "Arrival Year,"
  • Enter the arrival year the ship got to it's destination that is located at the top right corner of most indexing images
  • If there is no arrival year, hold [CTRL] [B], and the answer will show up as blank

Next section is called Table Entry. In this section you fill out passenger data that can be read from the image:

  • Surname: The FAMILY LAST NAME of the associated person
  • Given Name: FIRST AND MIDDLE NAMES/INITIALS of the associated person
  • Age: AGE of the associated person
  • Gender: GENDER of the associated person
  • Place of Birth or Nationality: Nationality (First), Birth Place (Second) [If given]
press [ -->| ] (Tab button on the keyboard) to go to the next column. this will save you time and effort then moving the mouse and clicking on each and every box.

Hold [CTRL] [B] to make a box blank if there is no data given

If you need to add rows, click the icon on the task bar at the bottom that looks like a table with green row.

If you need to delete rows, click  the icon on the task bar at the bottom that looks like a table with a red row

Last, click Quality Checker that can be found on the top right side of the data entry bar that is found at the bottom. Double check that all the red boxes match up with the corresponding person in the image. If the information is correct that is shown, click Accept; If the information is not correct, correct it and then click Accept.

After all the red boxes are turned white, click the icon on the top left of the task bar at the bottom that looks like a paper with movement lines comming from it.

You have now submitted your work and will be looked at by an official checker in Salt Lake City. Your job as a Community Indexer is to help out the Indexers in Salt Lake what is written/typed on the scanned image. So don't worry to much, Have fun with friends, loved ones, etc. indexing.



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