Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sources From Other Places

The coolest part about Genealogy now is the fact that you can learn so much by what's online.

So much of the work has been done by others.

Learning and Teaching is an amazing way to share the spirit of Elijah
- Turning the hearts of the fathers to their children -
- Turning the hearts of the children to their fathers -

Here are some sites I've learned about that I thought were quite helpful:

BYU-Idaho Family History Center

Helping BYU-Idaho Students Discover their Family History

Rexburg Idaho Family History Center

Even though you may not be a student at BYU-I, what you can learn from these websites is astounding

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Genealogy Research Prosess


The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints have been scanning archives about Genealogy. They have also have had permission by many sources around the world to use their archives for indexing.

Indexing is a process of which one records what they see. FamilySearch-Indexing is taking scanned documents and turning them into electronic text. These texts are then sent out for the public to see.

We need everyone's help. It's a great service and can be done when ever and were ever you are. If you have five minutes, you can spend the time Indexing.

If you want to learn more about Indexing, you can go to

FamilySearch - Worldwide Records Indexing

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


RootsMagic is an online program that anyone can download

It's Fast, It's Free, & It's Fun

I was able to find 100 names that didn't have their temple work done after 5 minutes, You can too.
It's your own family. You don't need to rely on loaned family work at the temple, It can be your own.

or If you want to learn more, go to
